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Mel’s Background On Becoming A English Tutor.

Mel Rozzante was born and raised in Rio de Janeiro and her dream as a child was to move to the United States to learn English. She moved to Boston in 2008 followed by LA in 2009, where not only did she fulfill her dream, but also felt the need to share what she was learning. That’s when she began to share her passion by helping students from Brazil, Mexico, Thailand, China, Japan, Italy, Spain, and many other countries.

As Mel came to see how much her actions were positively impacting her classmates’ lives, her passion for teaching increased. Little did she know she’d soon achieve native proficiency in the English language and become a talented English teacher.

Mel’s teaching journey began back in 2010 when she started tutoring ESL at Los Angeles Community College to help those who reminded her of herself, eager to learn English in the States.

Mels Background On Becoming A English Tutor
What makes Mels English learning approach better than the others

What makes Mel’s English learning approach better than the others?

Along with her teaching experience, Mel realized that each student had a peculiar way of learning, whether it was through writing, speaking, or listening, and that “one size fits all” was not the best approach to teaching. So, she began customizing each class according to their needs and learning styles, which resulted in goals being reached faster, and more enjoyably. Her main values are trust, respect, teaching, and learning.

Mel Rozzante

The essence of the methodology “Inglês com Mel” is in the name itself. Mel is short for Melina and when translated to Portuguese it means honey; Melina also means honey in Greek. So, if you’ve been having sour times because you don’t know any English or if you’ve had bitter learning experiences, this is the place for you.

Because honey makes it all better and “that’s too much honey” said no one ever!

Mels Journey as an English Tutor

Mel’s Journey as an English Tutor

From 2010 to 2020 Mel worked in Downtown Los Angeles, Hollywood, Santa Monica, and Beverly Hills as a treatment coordinator, and marketing and sales consultant. She was awarded for over 12 consecutive months for scoring the highest ratings in customer relations, sales, as well as reviews on Yelp and Google. On top of that, she maintained the highest sales margin among all 65 company branches, proving that nothing is ever too hard when you give your best.

In 2014, she started working as an interpreter, providing services for conventions, dinners, and workshops in the areas of odontology, dermatology, interior design, aesthetic surgeries, and procedures, as well as meetings at Capital Records and events in the entertainment industry.

In 2016 her passion for one on one classes was born once she realized how much more valuable it was to work together, one project at a time, making sure each individual’s goals were achieved.

“Learning can and should be a positive experience; I have achieved greater results with my students based on this sweet approach.”

Mels Personal Thoughts On Teaching English

Mel’s Personal Thoughts On Teaching English.

“It’s no secret that when you do a job you love it’s never considered to be work. I’ve always wanted to help people who were filled with the desire to learn a new language and were determined to keep on going regardless of the struggles and difficulties faced along the way. My methodology has always been about giving those students their confidence back whilst teaching them the ability to express themselves in their new communities. As they earned a valuable space in their workplace they became filled with a sense of belonging which helped them create their life purpose.

I feel honored and fulfilled to be a part of their wins. That’s my favorite part of the process! It’s extraordinary to witness dreams come true, especially when they have such a powerful effect in the long run. Being a part of an accomplishment that felt impossible at first fills my heart with purpose too. “

What is Inglês Com Mel all about

Once I created my sweet “English with Honey” approach, it turned out that learning English didn’t have to be bitter after all! In 2020, when everything became online, my passion became even stronger as I was able to connect with all my students via zoom and help them achieve their goals, regardless of where they were in the world.

More importantly, it fills me with joy to hear from my students as they share their journeys and achievements with me.

Inglês Com Mel is a brand and English learning service that builds community and showcases success for people coming to America and thriving in their new environment.


What is Ingles Com Mel all about
Who Is Best Suited For The Ingles Com Mel Program

Who Is Best Suited For The Inglês Com Mel Program.

My client portfolio is a diverse and expansive group of people with different backgrounds. I work one on one with students from every age group; and professionals from many different walks of life.

I also serve Brazilian businesswomen who live abroad. My classes help them expand their businesses and achieve their professional and personal goals when they master conversational English. Additionally, I offer special services to their businesses to streamline their growth such as website and content translation.

I look forward to meeting you and helping you master the English language as we thrive for success.

Mel Rozzante